Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Mission Call--April 7, 2013

Jameson is sneaky.

He kept telling me and Aaron that he had to wait for his bishop and stake president interviews because they both travelled.  So I was exercising GREAT amounts of patience and forbearance in my discussions about the progress of his mission paper submission.

On Sunday, April 1st he kept telling me that he had mailed his new missionary picture to me and that it would get there by Wednesday.  I thought it was weird, but didn't press him on how he had mailed it on a Sunday.  I obviously didn't catch on.

So that Wednesday, Daniel came home from school and handed me the mail while talking to me.  I thumbed through all of the letters and came to a large white envelope which looked typical of what Aaron usually receives.  My eyes were drawn to the LDS logo and Office of the First Presidency and then Elder Jameson Aaron Osmond.  I promptly freaked out and became a bit hysterical, shouting "he lied to us, he lied to us!"  Daniel called Aaron and I called Jameson who tried to keep the charade going.  I'm sad to say that I ended the phone call saying in a shrill voice "I hate you, but I love you!"

Jameson came home on Friday from USU and we planned a family "mission call opening" event.  Jolleys, Riders, Grandma Ozzie and Joseph with kids came over in between General Conference sessions on Sunday.  Aaron seemed fine, Jameson feigned being zen, and I was a wreck.

Jameson opened his call which stated he would be going to:  Honduras, Tegucigalpa on June 12!

He seemed genuinely happy and excited.  I have to admit that I didn't pay any attention to the last session of conference because I was going through his packet with him.  His mission president is from El Salvador and looks to be a kind, fatherly type.

We had a lot of fun going through all of the clothes he will need, and learning a little more about the weather and the country.  He's gonna sweat.  A lot.  And there's bugs.  A lot.  I don't want to know about violence or danger, so I'm sort of avoiding looking at that.

Many changes are being made to the MTC experience due to so many missionaries being called.  I think Jameson might be in the last of the Central American missions to go to the Provo MTC.  Beginning in June, missionaries in Mexico, CA, and South America will go to the MTC in Mexico City.

So now the adventure begins!

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